Our Story

myPTA was born out of curiosity with a healthy dose of enthusiasm and an overdose of passion

The story is a short one turned long, and as all the best hero journeys do, this one starts with a mum…

In desperate times, one PTA Chair could not find a platform to help ease her burden as a single, full-time working mum…

…so she created one!

Now being made available for all other PTAs to use and enjoy.

Join us to grow your community and to run your PTA in a more environmentally friendly way. We want to bring PTA activity in line with the times we live in, and myPTA does just that!

Our Purpose

We believe that every child deserves a fully resourced and fun educational experience. And we want to help you achieve this purpose.

Our Promises


We are transparent about our prices.


Slash your admin time while increasing your fundraising.


Communicate. Collaborate. Donate. Fundraise.